
Nearly 20 years in content marketing has taught me three mantras that I now apply across all my work:

- Always put your audience first
- Let the data be the brief
- Your content is only as compelling as the insight is impactful 

With these as foundation, I dive into projects big and small to deliver content or communications strategies that are notable, insightful and memorable. 

As a former editor-in-chief, publisher, and Googler, I’ve penned op-eds for c-levels, set up content strategies for start-ups, written 130-page industry benchmark reports and produced a whole lot of case studies (which, btw, are personal favourites because, yes, i'm a B2B geek at heart). 

My professional superpower is translating the hyper-complex into humanspeak - which is particularly apt in topics like non-linear paths to purchase and app monetisation models. I start each project by getting straight to the brand objectives and key messages, and work my way back from there. 


Having worked with the world's biggest companies, I’ve nurtured a knack for connecting what brands want to say with what audiences want to hear.

When I’m not solving content conundrums, I’m dancing the robot with my 4-year old, organising a weekend picnic (back when they were allowed) or buried in yet another book on insights and persuasive writing.